Friday, October 25, 2019

Access Bars Some Interesting Facts I Bet You Never Knew About

What Are the Access Bars?

Understanding What Is Access Bars
The 32 points of energy around our head are related to all different aspects of our lives. We have points related to money, happiness, Sadness, sexuality and ageing and more. Everything that we have registered and inside ou mind related to those subjects. As those points are touched gently by the therapist our mind starts the process of cleaning. And she starts cleaning All the information that we have registered that is blocking us and that makes us feel heavy. And it brings to our lives this consciousness to help us make better choices in our life. And that will make everything in our life so much easier. Access bars will free you from blockages from beliefs from the trauma that we may have in our life. When we talk about body access It's a process where we invite our body to receive and activate energies within our body. And that happens by positioning the hand's around your body and it's our hands that will transmit all that energy. Different types of energy, the energy that is related to our body to our health. We have for example energy’s that are related to our vision that besides curing Our vision also open our intuition our mental vision It will help us see things that we sometimes don't want to see. They have various, related to pain to allergies for our immune system. The bars bring consciousness to our body and that allows us the possibility to make other choices and better choices in our life. Until we don’t do this clearing process we will always live our lives on autopilot. We will continue moaning about life, commenting how life is hard and nothing is good enough once you get the access bars run on you, you start making better choices you bring more consciousness into your life.

Wouldn't You like to Be Happier or to Have More Abundance in Your Life?

If you don't know anything about the Access Bars and Access Consciousness here is your chance to get some information. The Access Bars are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head, they store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts we have, the ideas, our attitudes and decisions our beliefs that we have ever had about everything and anything. Right now we are suffering a massive overload of information in our brain. No wonder there are so many people that can’t sleep or are suffering from stress and depression. I am going to talk to you today about the access bars.
Because I thought you all knew about it, just like Yoga, meditation or acupuncture. But I was wrong, as I talk to people some ask what is that? I never heard of Access Bars. So here it is... The access bars are a tool used by the Access Consciousness. It has assisted thousands of people to change so many aspects of their lives.
People have said they sleep better, they lose weight, they have better relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and they even said they have better sex. I can see why everyone is talking about it.

We pay for a back massage if our back hurts, right?
So why wouldn’t we want to go and relax on a couch and let someone run their fingers through our head clicking those little magic points?
I started to see life completely different from how you see it now.
It feels like you wake up to life and you wonder why I’ve been asleep for so long.
And you will discover the infinite human being that you actually are.
You will create your life with so much more choice a lot more possibilities.
We don’t realise how much that can actually change our lives until we try it.

Anyway if you have tried it already I would love if you comment down below and just let me know what you think and how you felt.

The Best Way to Understand What the Access Bars Are

In this article I'm going to try to explain to you what are the access bars, what could you be missing out and by not knowing about the huge impact that could have on your life. I am going to explain what the Bars are and how they work and the amazing power that they can have on your life.
The access bars are an energetic body process, the bars facilitator touches the 32 points in your head where you have accumulated and stored a huge amount of information, judgments, limited beliefs many things you have believed all your life and you feel that you cant change. Well, what if I tell you that you actually can?

You Can Turn Around All These Beliefs That Have Kept Your Wings Clipped by Using the Access Bars

So many of our beliefs have been implanted in our brains long before we could even fight back. For instance our parents, I remember my parents telling me to stop dreaming about anything that they did not believe I could accomplish, you will never find a good job, you will never find a good husband, you will never get anywhere in life, you will never have money for this or for that, my God, I could go on and on about all these negative thoughts they implanted inside my brain. All this will make you hesitate every time and any of these times? It could be your chance to succeed in life. Let me tell you, these stay with you all your life, this negative information you heard your parents tell you will stop you from feeling free to go and get what you really want. The Access Bars will free you from all that, it will delete all this from your brain. You will find freedom from all these incapacitating emotions you have locked in your brain that keep you from really going for what you truly want in life.

Access Bars Video

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