Thursday, November 14, 2019

Access Consciousness Bars Benefits

The bars are 32 points in the head, and these represent things like: your body, money, healing, creativity, joy, peace and calm, just to name a few. The bars are slightly soft touches that let go of the thoughts, feelings, emotions and considerations that you have saved in any life.

When these points touch lightly with your fingers, your body begins to feel a relaxation so deep that you let go of the things that have kept you stuck in this life and past lives as well. 

Garry Douglas - founder of Access Consciousness 

Garry Douglas says that the worst thing that can happen is that your whole life changes for the better, in the best case, you feel as if you had a good massage, in the end, the results will always be positive.
A typical session lasts about an hour, and people all over the world have said that the Bars have helped them change the things they thought were unchanging in their lives; things like their bodies, money situations, relationships, chronic health and mental problems. Many people say that their lives are simply more relaxed and happier after a Bar session, this and much more has been able to improve this incredible and powerful therapy that has brought us into the Access Consciousness world.

There Are Many Benefits In It 

No stress at work

Access Bars is an excellent contribution to the workplace to reduce the stress accumulated in our body by that burden we have when working too much, it helps increase productivity in what you do, the enthusiasm to continue working, to create new things by blowing the imagination so that you have great ideas not only in the short term but also in the long run and helps improve teamwork. It is a professional benefit, which helps to improve oneself at work and also their help contributes to the school in which case a professional career is studied, it is a therapy that benefits many parts of our body to feel good.

The health benefit is quite noticeable, since having the Bars session many people report that they have been able to sleep better than before, that is, if you are a person who commonly has insomnia or you really do not get the dream for your work, school or any problem that comes your way, and Access Bar therapy helps you sleep better, think better about how to solve the situation that comes your way, it helps you to better circulate the blood that is why it makes you rest peacefully. It involves some health problems that are chronic or not so much, we have everything in our mind, that is why Barras helps with endless benefits for our body, mind and spirit with total ease, joy and glory.

How Does The Access Consciousness Bars work?

In the scientific area, the way in which the Bars work, is by means of magnetic frequencies that we move with our energy when making contact with our fingers, being lightly touching the 32 points in the head we move frequency waves in our brain that eliminates energy that is out of range or that simply should not be there at our standard magnetic frequencies.
Dr Jeffrey L. Fannin is a neuro-scientist who dedicated himself to investigating brain activity before electro-encephalogram before and after running bars in patients at the precise moment in which the therapy. Not only has it been proven with the experience of people who talk about its beneficial results, but it is also scientifically proven the change so fast and effective that Access Consciousness Bars make.
Anyone can quickly learn “how to give Bars”, even children can learn, since Parents say that Bars help their children with tests, homework and performance in their studies and of course children have a tremendous amount of energy accumulated, this is because they have no point of view about other people, and that helps a lot to run the Bars with total ease, joy and glory.

You can run the Bars in any place where you can feel comfortable, outside in a patio, garden, some landscape, field or you can also on the bed or sofa, you can go even on the beach. Many massage therapists have helped their clients with adding Bars to their sessions, and family therapists have found them to be a valuable tool to create lasting change, it is not a change that can last for minutes or hours, they are changes that can last a lifetime. It is more reflected when you run Bars to other people, even yourself.
The benefits of learning Bars in a single course, is that at the end of the class people will have their official certificate as Access Consciousness Bar Therapist, this helps them to create their own business giving Bar therapies to other people, this has helped millions of therapists to add this tool to their list of sessions, if in the case that people do not want to have their own bar business, they take that enjoyable experience that leaves this novel and equally powerful Access Consciousness tool.