Sunday, October 4, 2020

Learn The Power of Your Questions To The Universe


Be willing to BE YOU!

Never validate others' point of view about what you have to

to be.

Stay on the question, be the question!

Make choices from the awareness of lightness that your body gives you

show. Everything that is light is true for you. If you follow the

lightness is more lightness that you create in your world.

Be in communion with your body and create with it.

Create flows of energy to be and access the energy of everything there is; and

ask to update it in your reality.

Get out of all the expectations, projections, fixed points of view that you

have to create limitation and have fun with the possibilities of life that

are available there for you.

Choose joy, always!


One of the most powerful tools discussed in any class of

Access Consciousness® is being in the question, is the question.

A question empowers, an answer always disappoints and creates limitations.

Questions challenge our belief system and unlock locations

where there is a limitation, throwing light and awareness where we are choosing

not having choices.

The purpose of the questions is not to find answers or to arrive at a

decision or conclusion






about anything.

The purpose of asking a question is to gather information, create more

awareness of the possibilities and from that to allow more choices.

A question empowers, expands, brings awareness. An answer

disempower, limit, judge, create separation, expectation and projection; and

in that state, you only create more of the same.

The magic of being you

What if you are the gift that this world requires?

Who am I?

If nothing was defined about me, who would I be?

If I were being me, who would I be now?

If I were being me, what would I do now?

How many definitions do I have about how I should be that I

prevent you from BEING who I truly am?

What am I refusing to BE to validate the realities of

other people?

What do I know about myself that no one else knows?

What is happiness to me that no one else understands?

Who am I in this situation that keeps me from being myself?

The reality of who I am being, that if I were not, all my

would life change?

What power am I denying to be to validate other people?

What energy, space, consciousness and choice my body and I can

be today to access the grandest version of me?

Choices Create

Choices are the source of creation and you are the source of choices.

What is required for me to recognize that I am the source of everything?

What choices can I make that will create a reality more

great today and for the future?

If I choose this, how will my life be in 5 years?

If I DON'T choose that, how will my life be in 5 years?

(notice if it is light or heavy) Always follow the lightness of Being.

What awareness can I access today that will give me total clarity

about the choices that are true for me?

What can I choose now that will allow me to create more easily

in my life?

What else is it possible for me to choose that I have not yet considered about

make a choice?

What choices can I make today that will allow me to access

consciences that I have never accessed or recognized before?

What can I choose today that I never chose before?

If I made a choice just for me and me, what would I

would choose?

Opening up the possibilities

Everything is available to you around the clock, just ask to access it.

What else is possible, that I think is impossible, that if I

allowed the possibilities, would it create a new reality?

What can I be, perceive, know and receive to be an invitation to

the possibilities?

What more possibilities are there that I haven't realized yet?

What else is possible?

What else is it possible that I never considered?

What is the greatest possibility available here?

What energy, space, consciousness and choices my body and I can

be to access the greatest possibility of this situation?


Do what is required of you to keep your choices up to date.

Where can I move my energy today that will create more for

me and everyone?

What is required of me today so that the updating of my

choices happen with total ease?

What is required of me here?

What can I be, create and generate today to change all that and update

in a grand way my choice?

What I am NOT being, doing, creating, generating that if I

did, would it change everything immediately?

What am I being, doing, creating, generating that if I DON'T

did, would it change everything immediately?

What I can perceive, know, be and receive here that would change everything


What I’m not demanding from me, that if I did,

update a different reality?

What can I be, create and generate right now that would expand my

life beyond what I could ever consider possible for



Be the contribution that the world requires of you.

What contribution can I make today to myself and the world?

What contribution can I BE to Earth?

How can I contribute so that everyone can access more

consciousness on the planet?

What contribution can I MAKE to my family?

What contribution can I MAKE today in my work?

What contribution can I MAKE today to my relationship?

What contribution can I be to my body today?

What contribution can I BE today to be an invitation to joy?

What contribution can I BE today to be an invitation to


What contribution can I BE today to be the invitation to


What contribution can I make today to my life and living?

Starting the day

What if you could just choose your day?

All the expectations and projections that I have about this day I destroy

and description now.

Who am I today?

What energy, space, consciousness, magic, miracles, mysteries and

possibilities my body and I can be today to access my

best version?

What energy, space, consciousness, magic, miracles, mysteries and

possibilities I and my body can be today to access the

the grandest possibility of this day?

What magic can I BE today?

What magic can I live today?

What great things will I receive today?

What is my demand today that will allow me to create more now and

in the future?

Where is my energy required today?

What can I be today that I have never been before?

What can I do today that I have never done before?

Universe, show me something magical today?


Invite someone to share parts of your life, never to be yours


Who am I being in this relationship?

If I were being me in this relationship, who would I be?

What can die in me today that would allow me to overgrow this

relationship with total ease?

What can die today in that relationship that would allow a

new reality?

Where is the person who will allow me to create 20 times more than I do

do I create alone?

Really, does this relationship work for me?

Where's the relationship that works for me?

Body, who is the person who will nourish you?

If I choose this relationship, will it bring me more joy?

If I choose this relationship, will it be easy?

If I choose this relationship, will it be light?

If I choose this relationship, will it be fun?

What contribution can I make to this relationship today that will allow

create a relationship beyond that reality?


What keeps you creating a lack of money? And if you just started

to ask for it, just because you can? Just because it's fun to have money?

What if I could have money just because it is fun?

What views do I have on money that do not allow me

to receive?

What if money was about joy, fun and contribution?

What energy, space, consciousness and choice my body and I can

be to be the joy that invites money today?

Where I’m not willing to get it from, that if I were, it would change

my financial reality easily and quickly?

What I’m not willing to be, that if I were, it would change my

financial reality?

What sources of income are available to me that I have never


What is so easy for me to do that I’m not recognizing and that if

If I recognized and did, would it change my financial reality?

Money friend, how do you choose to arrive in my life today?

How will you appear in my life today?

How can I be the energy of gratitude today?

How much money can I create today?

What I decided money is or is not, that if I gave up

addition, would I allow money to be in my life now?

What I'm not willing to change, that if I were, it would make me

more money?


What possibilities are there today that allow me to create more


Where else can I get money from today?

Where else can the money come from?

What else is possible, which I think is impossible with money,

that if I allowed the possibilities, I would update myself in a reality

that I never considered possible for me?

In communion with the body

How much expansion can you and your body be?

What energy, space, consciousness and choice my body and I can

be now, to be fully present, engaged,

connected, with every step, with every breath, with every heartbeat?

Body, what do you want to eat?

Body are you hungry or do you require water?

Body, what awareness do you want me to have here with this

intensity? (pain)

Body, to whom does this intensity belong?

Can you return it to the sender, please?

Body, what will make you happy today?

Body, what do you want to look like?

Body, what do you require of me to have more health and disposition?

Little body, where do you want to go today that will be fun for you?

What energy, space, awareness and choice can I be with and for the

my body, which will allow health and disposition throughout the

eternity and beyond?

How much expansion can you and your body be?

To PERCEIVE, KNOW, BE AND RECEIVE everything and everyone with total


Before bedtime

Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude!


GLORY! ® Repeat this mantra 10 times before going to sleep.

Everything I went through today, all the judgments I made and received, all

separation and rejection that I created on this day I destroy and describe now.

What am I grateful for today?

How can I be more grateful tomorrow than I was today?

What great possibilities await me tomorrow?

What consciences beyond this reality can I access while my

body rest now?

Little body you're beautiful, expand, expand, expand and keep

expanded throughout the night.

Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude!


GLORY! ® Repeat this mantra 10 times before going to sleep.

Everything I went through today, all the judgments I made and received, all

separation and rejection that I created on this day I destroy and describe now.

OBS. If you are ACCESS® BAR PRACTICER activate 3 bars

now. Ask your body what will be the most contribution and ask for

they run for as long as necessary.

OBS. If you are ACCESS® BAR PRACTICER activate 3 bars

now. Ask your body what will be the most contribution and ask for

they run for as long as necessary.

This are Kelly's words of wisdom, my treasure and now your treasure too.

Be the person you want to be, now.